Discover the revolution of recovery and performance!
Discover the revolutionary advantages of intermittent vacuum therapy – an innovative treatment technology rooted in space medicine. Intermittent vacuum therapy represents an innovation in treating vascular diseases, offering a non-invasive and cost-effective solution that can improve the quality of life and prevent expensive complications. It accelerates post-surgery rehabilitation and significantly reduces recovery time for professional athletes and ambulatory patients.
Pain-free rehabilitation and prevention!
The secret to long-term health
and performance improvement.
Pain-free rehabilitation and prevention!
The secret to long-term health
and performance improvement.
Erőteljes, költséghatékony módszer a keringés javítására a perifériás artériás elzáródásos betegségek minden stádiumában. Az innovatív sebgyógyulás-gyorsítás a diabéteszes láb szindróma és a krónikus sebek (artériás, vénás és vegyes) esetében. Passzív értréningként működésbe hozza a kapillarizációt, ezáltal meghosszabbítja a gyaloglási távolságokat és csökkenti a fájdalmat. Az innovatív IVT jól tolerálható, zseniálisan könnyen alkalmazható és gazdaságilag jövedelmező, meglepően gyors eredményekkel.
Whether you are an ambulatory patient recovering from an illness, injury, or surgery, a diabetic seeking to prevent vascular issues and accelerate wound healing, an athlete aiming to optimize performance and prevent injuries, or an individual who spends prolonged hours sitting and prioritizes prevention – vacuum therapy offers a solution for all.
About us

About us
VacuCare is an innovative startup that, in collaboration with Gym-Prevent, has made the positive effects of vacuum therapy accessible to its clients. Our partnership is defined by two key attributes: innovation and expertise. The professional team at Gym-Prevent brings years of experience and knowledge, effectively assisting our clients. By combining their expertise with the innovative impact of vacuum therapy, we continuously enhance the quality of life for our clients. Our team of exceptional experts is dedicated to helping patients and individuals recover swiftly, optimizing athletic performance, and preventing injuries. We also extend our services to those seeking to preserve their health and improve their condition, including individuals managing diabetes. Together, VacuCare and Gym-Prevent are committed to making a difference in the well-being of our clients, ensuring a faster recovery, peak performance, and a healthier lifestyle.
The service is available at the Gym-Prevent Movement Center in Saint George. The therapy is preceded by a consultation where a specialized therapist helps determine the recovery/prevention program. After that, you only have one thing to think about: sleep, watch a movie, work, or engage in any other activities during the therapy. Vacuum therapy, besides providing fast and effective assistance, has scientifically proven effects and is currently used daily at thousands of clinics and professional sports teams.
Sports teams using
intermittent vacuum therapy.
Advantages of the therapy
Why choose this therapy?
Do you want to recover faster after surgery or injury? Spend most of your time sitting? Diabetic? Preparing for a sports competition? Click the button below and discover all the benefits of this therapy.
Quicker recovery
Helps with the diabetic foot syndrome
Better performance
Helps with prevention
Drainage, detoxification
Improves blood circulation and oxygenation

How does it work?
Intermittent vacuum therapy – IVT – alternately applies negative pressure (vacuum) and positive pressure to the lower extremities. This physiologically causes rhythmic vascular dilation and vascular compression, that naturally provoking and the flow in a purely physical way.
The result: Blood circulation, capillarization, and an increase in venous and lymphatic reflux.

How does it work?
Intermittent vacuum therapy – IVT – alternately applies negative pressure (vacuum) and positive pressure to the lower extremities. This physiologically causes rhythmic vascular dilation and vascular compression, that naturally provoking and the flow in a purely physical way.
The result: Blood circulation, capillarization, and an increase in venous and lymphatic reflux.
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Strada Nicolae Iorga bl. 10/A, Sfântu Gheorghe
Email Address
vacucaresrl @